Monday, 3 March 2014

Beautiful Lighting

Lighting is all about balance and creating a 'feel good' factor for your setting.  It's about creating pools of light to highlight certain pieces, whether it be your dining table, a piece of art or a certain space.  Making an area 'pop' but also blend within the same space is something of trail and error, by using different styles from uplighting, hidden lights in shelving or stairs, to chandeliers and lamps, you can make a wonderfully warm and welcoming environment. 

Stairway lighting looks fabulous!

Get rid of reading lights and have your bedside lighting hung elegantly (and dramatically) from the ceiling.  A favourite style at Butterfly Lane.

By using chandeliers and lamps, they not only throw out the desired light but also create a design statement too.  Here are some of my favourite statement lights...

Chandeliers look fabulous in pairs over a dining table for a jaw-dropping effect.

A decadent bathroom lighting effect...

Clean and simple...

Lighting Majestic is the online destination for all aspects of lighting, and their prices are unbelievable too!  Whether you want practical spotlight (lets face everyone does) or fabulous statement pieces, head here for some stylish and affordable lighting options.  In fact I just received this fabulous lamp and shade from them....

 Visit their online store here: 

This post was sponsored by Lighting Majestic.


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