Saturday 12 July 2014

A Quick & Easy Summer Scallop Salad

This summery Thai style salad is so easy to make and tastes full of fresh flavours.  

To Serve Four:


Scallops - I usually allow four per person
Half a cucumber
Half a red onion
2 Oranges
1 Lime
Fish sauce
1 chilli

A hand full of mint leaves


1.  Simply sear up enough scallops for 4 people until you get a nice crust on the outside of them without overcooking the inside.

2.  Set the scallops aside while cutting up half an English cucumber into matchsticks, slicing up thinly 1/2 a medium red onion (or 2 medium shallots), and sectioning 2 oranges.

3.  Toss everything together in a bowl. Add some lime juice and fish sauce to taste. Throw in some chopped up chilies and cilantro or mint leaves.  Done!

Let me know how you get on.

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